No more novelty cakes!
I have been so busy recently that I have had to take a step back and evaluate what is important to me. I have never been the most confident person, instead always wanting to please others and comparing myself to those around me. It has taken a long time for me to accept that the cakes I make are actually quite good, that I am well thought of, and that I have built a successful little business from scratch all by myself.

2019 is filling up quickly with wedding cakes and I want to ensure that I can dedicate the time & expertise required to design & create beautiful cakes as well as meet the demands of my growing business. As such, I have come to the decision to concentrate on wedding cakes going forward. I will aim to fulfill celebration & cupcake orders where possible but these will no longer include children's character / fondant modeled novelty cakes. These types of cakes are extremely time-consuming and I don't get the same enjoyment and satisfaction from making them as I do from designing a bespoke wedding cake from scratch.

My passion lies in creating artistic, contemporary cakes so I am exercising my new found confidence and focusing on the area that I enjoy and excel in. I want to continue to improve my skills and learn new techniques as I develop whilst still allowing myself time to attend to the more mundane business tasks - and of course spend precious time with family & friends.
I still need to remind myself to be confident and proud of what I have achieved but recognising my strengths and weaknesses will hopefully allow me to concentrate on the important stuff.